San Diego Prostitution Criminal Lawyer
Experienced and Effective Prostitution Criminal Defense Representation

The criminal defense attorneys at the Law Firm of Leslie Legal Group are well versed in the complexities of prostitution cases. Recently, the San Diego County Sheriff and many local law enforcement agencies are joining together and creating tasks force to combat prostitution.
Law enforcement officers are setting up sting operations for “Johns” on the streets in many local cities especially San Diego, Escondido and Vista. In addition, these tasks forces are also setting up staged “Johns” at hotels to snag alleged prostitutes from Craigslist’s adult services and other Escort service agencies. However, the special task forces current target are massage and acupuncture businesses. Recently, the authorities shut down over 10 businesses and arrested 22 persons in one day alone.
Prostitution charges are actually difficult for the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Not only must they prove an agreement to engage in sexual activity but they must also prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was an act in furtherance of such agreement. In addition, many times entrapment law enforcement may be a defense to the charges or the audio recording of the alleged “agreement” may not be audible. The criminal lawyers in my firm have successfully handled numerous prostitution cases!
If you have been arrested or charged with prostitution, contact my firm immediately to protect your rights!
Again, you have the right to remain silent, so you should not answer any questions. Do not provide a statement to law enforcement. Your silence cannot be used against you! Your rights are best protected when you speak with and retain the services of an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer. That’s where my firm comes in!
Contact Our Law Firm to Speak with a Criminal Attorney, Not a Paralegal or Case Manager
Contact my firm and discuss your prostitution questions with me. I take personal responsibility in my firm’s “commitment to excellence” in obtaining a favorable result on your prostitution case whether it’s in San Diego, Oceanside, Escondido, Carlsbad, Vista or elsewhere. I look forward to hearing from you soon.